

已經好一陣子沒更新這裡啦,真是不好意思!因為最近課業真的是有點繁重...... 不過 , 目前我還是有忙裡偷閒畫閒圖,只是沒有一張完成。可以確定的是,應該會有Klaine聖誕節賀圖。目前完成度約60%左右。以下放局部截圖來表示一些我太久沒更新的歉意......


Glee第三季第七集的心得 和Perfect的的歌詞收進去了!

1. 終於看到傳說中的Perfect片段了。因為已經有在網路上聽說看了會很失望,所以有做一些心理準備。但是看到的時候還是很感動啊啊啊! 即使雙方不是替彼此唱,能夠看到Klaine一起對唱、聽到Klaine對唱這麼好聽的歌就好滿足啊!不論是以角色(Kurt&Blaine)而論,或是以演員(Chris&Darren)本身而論,他們倆人實在是太Perfect了。

2. Santana的抗拒期終於結束了。其實我覺得她很幸運,能夠得到這麼多人的關心,遭受bully的機會也不多。Kurt當時出櫃的時候,週遭的環境可不是這麼友善的。Kurt一直遭受周圍的人歧視與欺負 , 可是一直沒有明顯停止的一天。甚至到了選舉的時候,我認為大部分的人是無法接受Kurt's sexuality才改投Brittany的。


3. 說實在話,我對教練的新男友感到很無奈...果然還是無法逃掉三角戀的劇情啊,而且還是跟Sue!...太不合理了吧。

4. 看到Finn那麼支持Santana真的是很詭異,怎麼看就怎麼怪。沒辦法,我想異性戀的男性本來就比較會支持女同志,比較排斥男同志。這是我最近的想法...

5. 我替Kurt的落選感到超˙難˙過!雖然一開始就知道他大概會落選,但從沒想過是以這種形式落選...再次為Rachel的白目感到十分憤怒。編劇請不要再把她寫得這麼白目好嗎...

Perfect (Glee Cast Version)
Made a wrong turn,
Once or twice,
Dug my way out,
Blood and fire
Bad decisions,
That's alright
Welcome to my silly life.

Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood,
Miss "No way it's all good"
It didn't slow me down.
Always second guessing
Look i'm still around.

Pretty pretty, please
Don't you ever ever feel
Like you're less than...
Less than perfect.
Pretty pretty please !
If you ever ever feel
Like you're nothing
You are perfect,
To me.

You're so mean
When you talk
'Bout yourself,
You are wrong.
Change the voices,
In your head,
Make them like you

So complicated
Look how big you'll make it
Feel with so much hatred
Such a tired game
It's enough !
I've done all i can think of
Chase doown all my demons,
And see you do the same.

Ohh, ohh !
Pretty pretty, please
Don't you ever ever feel
Like you're less than...
Less than perfect.
Pretty pretty please !
If you ever ever feel
Like you're nothing
You are perfect...

The whole world scared, while i swallowed the fear.
The only thing i should be drinkin'is an iced cold beer
So cool in line, and we try try try,
But we try too hard, it's a waste of my time.
Done looking for the critics cause they're everywhere,
They don't like my jeans, they don't get my hair.
Exchange yourselves, and we do it all the time.
Why do we do that ?
Why do I do that ?
Why do i do that ?

Yeahh ! Ohh ! Oh pretty pretty please !
Pretty pretty, please
Don't you ever ever feel
Like you're less than...
Less than perfect.
Pretty pretty please !
If you ever ever feel
Like you're nothing
You are perfect, to me !

Read more: GLEE - PERFECT LYRICS http://www.metrolyrics.com/perfect-lyrics-glee.html#ixzz1fMIWtHC6

Copied from MetroLyrics.com

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