
Klaine-Baby, It's Cold Outside Again



Baby, It's Cold Outside from Youtube  

This was a snowing evening, but Kurt didn't feel cold at all. He was in Blaine's room, sitting on Blaine's bed as Blaine lay beside him. Not paying too much attention to his conversation with Blaine, Kurt was recalling last Christmas, the time when Blaine and he sang "Baby, It's Cold Outside" together: that duet was really amazing, as it was one of the flirtest song performed by Blaine and him. He even wanted to do it with Blaine again. 

However, there were some problems need to be solved before Kurt carried out this plan with Blaine: where can they find a place for them to perform? And when will be the best time to perform it?...Starting to make this plan in detailed in his mind, Kurt couldn't help laughing since he believed it would become one of their wonderful plans in this holiday season.

 "What are you laughing at?" Blaine turned towards Kurt and asked.

"Nothing. I just recollected last Christmas we sang 'Baby, It's Cold Outside' together. Though at that time we hadn't been in a relationship yet, I loved the way we performed the song. And I think..." Kurt suddenly decided not to talk his great plan to Blaine until he planned it well. He wanted to give Blaine a big surprise. " it was just so perfect."

"Yeah, we were perfectly matching in that duet. Believe it or not, after that practice, I even didn't do so well like that with the girl. I'd love to say, you are not only my wonderful lover but also an amazing partner. "

Such a compliment surprised Kurt a lot, and it also made him feel warm at heart-- last Christmas, he had desperately thought of Blaine's being his lover all the time. Now, Blaine was lying beside him, saying such sweet words to him. Thinking of his dream's wonderfully coming true, Kurt laughed with satisfaction, "My pleasure."

Now, both of them gazed at each other's eyes, indulging in this sweet atmosphere. It would be wonderful if time could stop at this moment forever. Kurt thought to himself. Yet, Blaine suddenly sitting up, holding Kurt's hands, asking, "Would you stay with me tonight? My bedquilt is so cold now, and ..."He got closer to Kurt, saying beside Kurt's ear "I need someone to help me to warm it up."

Such an alluring invitation, Kurt thought, even starting to imagine what will happen next if he said "yes": it would begin with a long and smooth kiss as they slowly took off each other's clothes. Both of them indulged in feeling each other's body temperature, yearning for the following thrilling sensual pleasure... And, in the end, maybe they could talk about their new year plans and wishes till morning.

No, no. I couldn't accept this. Kurt stopped himself from doing those fantastic vision. "Blaine, I'd love to do so, but I've promised my dad to watch movies with them tonight." Kurt took a look at his watch and moved to the margin of the bed. "And I have to go home now. I'm so sorry, Blaine. "

 "So soon?" Knowing Kurt's going to go home, Blaine seemed to be very depressed. Yet, after a while, a naughty smile appeared on his face. He moved to Kurt's side. "That's OK."Blaine kissed Kurt, "But..." Then he stood up, holding Kurt's hands, beginning to sing:

"Baby it's cold outside."

"Wait...are you asking me to stay?" Kurt asked, but Blaine just kept smiling and didn't answer his question. This sudden invitation made Kurt not know what to do, so he decided to sing with Blaine, "I've got to go away."

"but baby it's cold outside." Blaine continued, seeming to be very happy at Kurt's singing with him, beginning to slightly swing Kurt's arms.

"No, no..." Kurt slipped away from Blaine, shaking his head. "My father will be pacing the floor."

" beautiful please don't hurry. "Blaine walked near Kurt, putting his arms around Kurt's waist.

" I really can't stay" Kurt slipped again, walking towards the door, being ready to go away.

" oh baby don't hold out." Blaine continued to sing and hugged Kurt from behind, making Kurt exclaimed with surprise. He dragged him towards bed till both of them fell to bed, and then he quickly took the bedquilt to cover around them.

It took Kurt a few seconds to realize that he was on Blaine's bed now. He turned his head around, seeing Blaine's "I GOT YOU" smile, making him chuckle, "Ok, ok... I surrender!" he clamored, " I can't always resist your charming voice and 'please, please!' eyes! Now let me give my dad a call first. " Kurt sat up, taking out his cell phone from his bag. "But before I call my dad, let's sing the last line of the lyrics."
"baby it's cold outside."




















為什麼會寫那麼長呢?我不懂呀... 這次是真的不小心寫太長惹。我我我...無言啦。平常寫英文作文這麼有靈感就好了。 

我拿出BICOBaby, It's Cold Outside)的老梗來寫了,對不起。可是BICO的氛圍實在是太flirty了,inspire我寫了這篇。而且我原本沒打算寫床梗的啊!好啦,誰叫我畫了一張床在那裡,要不寫到床也很難... 




Kurt had desired for everything about Blaine so much-- his charming voice, his sincere eyes, his hobbies the same as Kurt's, and his unique romance for his lover ( he often brought the Warblers to help him to please his lover, doesn't he?).


下面是一些第三季第9集心得:Let It Snow from Youtube  

LISLet It Snow)是走超輕快可愛路線。一開始,看得有點失望,因為它少了BICO那份調情的味道。但後來我又看了幾次,慢慢喜歡上它活潑俏皮的路線,算是另有風味吧。尤其我特愛Kurt唱到中間「bala~balalala」的部分:Kurt獨自在那跳得很開心,但是一旁的Blaine卻忘記舞步,最後只好自己亂跳的部分……我猜,可能導演不想要重複BICO的味道吧?但是LIS真的沒有BICO那種讓人眼睛一亮的感覺,更別說它還是用黑白的技巧拍了...唉,其實看完之後,還是有點讓我「WHAT THE HELL」的感覺。因為LIS的黑白片效果比起上次拍瑪丹娜特輯的黑白MV差太多了!復古的風味不但沒發揮到淋漓盡致,還替演員的風采扣分了。 


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