
Klaine & CrissColfer Fanfic List(5/27更新)


(2013/05/27更新:"Roses in December", "Started with a Reel, Ended Up being Real")



Title: Little Numbers
Author: heartwolf
Word count: 38,688
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers/Warnings: None
Summary: AU: Blaine sends a text message to a wrong number by accident. Things progress from there. 
Link: http://www.scarvesandcoffee.net/viewstory.php?sid=2357
Note: 這部作品絕對是Klainer必讀的一部。這部雖然走得是精簡路線,我看得時候哭了好幾次...作者在拿捏氛圍的技巧十分巧妙,時常會有出奇不意的驚喜,看了之後絕對會make your day,有著想要把微笑一直掛在臉上的幸福感。(我原本想好好替這部打一篇心得文....可是一直好懶啊...Orz)

Title: Under Oath
Author: glitterandpaws
Word count: 8,200
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers/Warnings: None
Summary:  Part one of the Legally Wed Series. Fill on the Glee Kink Meme for this anonymous prompt: An AU (dystopia?) where there are laws that force gay teens to get into a civil union with each other, in order to keep them from ”preying on the heterosexuals”. The law would also establish gender roles inside the same-sex union, trying to normalize homosexuality as much as possible. Kurt and Blaine both grew up in this society and, while aware that it's not fair, they accept it as fact and don't want to risk imprisonment for disobedience. They get married to eachother by the state, without their consent, and are expected to consummate the marriage within 24 hours of its official announcement. Blaine gets assigned the role of husband. First-time sex, with both of them nervous and not really familiar with eachother. I'd love to see Blaine trying to be as gentle with Kurt as possible, feeling really guilty though he did nothing wrong.
Link: http://glitterandpaws.livejournal.com/7921.html
Note: 當初會看這篇是受到烏托邦的設定所吸引的,但沒想到內容是如此的...雖然有點想吐槽,但看到Kurt和Blaine初識而小心翼翼的樣子真的很可愛!後面也很甜。

Title: Unfinished
Author: more.with.truffles
Word count: 2,702
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers/Warnings: None
Summary: 4x22. '"I don't think we were ever just friends," Kurt admits quietly.' Takes place immediately after "All or Nothing." Kurt/Blaine. COMPLETE.
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/9280378/1/Unfinished
Note: Nikki推薦給我的小說。「One person's headcanon of part two of the Epic Fail Season Four Finale- I wish THIS person would write fot the series instead of RIB cuz I think this is perfect!!! (這部小說是針對第四季超級失敗的最後一集所寫的後續-我希望她能夠替Glee寫劇本呀,因為這實在是太完美了!!!)」還沒看完,但我已經哭了...Blaine和Kurt的心裡戲寫得好細膩,讓我來截取幾段:


His mind leaps back to a year ago, Kurt shivering in his arms, clinging to him almost tightly enough to hurt as he insisted that he didn't cheat, he didn't cheat and he'd wanted to, he couldn't deny it he wanted to and I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. But he didn't, it wasn't him, but they were still going to suspend him and he would never get into NYADA - They hadn't suspended him. He hadn't cheated. He'd even gotten into NYADA (albeit, not as timely as he would have liked), and he'd made groundbreaking progress with his internship at Vogue dot com. The Kurt that ran to him and needed him so much was gone, replaced by the man before him, independent and separate from Blaine.



It was a humbling thought, knowing that this extraordinary human being, this stunning individual, Kurt, was someone that didn't need him. He could walk away from Blaine any day and be no worse off. He could turn to his own passions and become someone great on his own. 


He'd have support, of course: his dad and Carole and Finn, for one, and Rachel and Santana on a more irregular basis. He had people like Isabelle Wright to mentor him, Anna Wintour and Carmen Tibideaux to acknowledge and validate his successes, and countless other potential friends lurking the streets of New York. Blaine knew that Kurt was lonely (lonely enough to still talk to him, at least), but he was also charming and compassionate and genuinely one of the most magnetic people Blaine had ever met.

在他的背後,有著支持他的人們:他的爸爸、Carole和Finn,或是Rachel和Santana也會不定時支援他。他也有著Isbelle Wright給他建議,或是Anna Wintour和Carmen Tibideaux去認可他的成就,以及許多其他在New York的朋友也可能會支持他。但是,Blaine知道Kurt是孤寂的(孤寂到他仍然常常連絡他,至少事實是如此),也知道Kurt是Blaine在這世上所見過最迷人、最有同情心、最真誠、最有吸引力的人之一。


Title: Nothing's Gonna Harm You, Not While I'm Around
Author: Nikki
Word count: 64,670+ (尚未完結)
Rating: NC-17
Link: 請寄信或留言向Yihbey要。
Bonus: 寄信來詢問的話,即隨信附送上Yihbey和Kaori的fanart三張!(欸XD)
Note: 這篇是我非常喜歡的一篇,也是由我的好友Nikki寫的。Nikki很擅長描寫角色的個性以及口白,尤其是在引用nerdy reference方面,大概是我看過最接近canon的其中一篇囉。我個人很喜歡看她寫的CrissColfer!總之,偷偷放上這篇推薦囉。xD

Title: Behind the Lines
Author: ScissorMirror
Rating: NC-17
Link: 已失連。請寄信或留言向Yihbey要。
Note: 主要是在講Chris寫些CrissColfer的fanfic,最後被Riker和Darren發現的故事。這篇十分歡樂可愛,一點也不虐,會讓人看得很開心。:)

Title: Some Sort of Messy Emotions
Author: oncetwiceforevr
Word count: 16,306
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Chris Colfer never knew what it was like to have a real boyfriend; Darren offers to be his fake!boyfriend to show him what it's like.
Link: http://colfercriss-rpf.livejournal.com/7838.html
Note: 這篇又讓我看到哭了。Q_Q 作者將Chris和Darren之間那種若即若離的關係寫得恰當好處。整篇都帶著一股淡淡的哀傷,卻又十分美麗。

Title: Things Are Different, But You Still Pretend
Author:  Shurtugal781226
Word count: 46,990
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Darren and Chris attended East Clovis High together, and even started dating. All was great until Darren disappears off the face of the planet after graduation, with not so much as a phone call. They meet again when Darren is cast on Glee!
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7571773/1/
Note: 老實說這篇我還沒仔細看完,我在等翻譯(喂)我直接跳到第十八章看,發現那邊的描寫真的很動人...文字用得很美,我很喜歡她用的文字。

Title: Truth or Dare?
Author: Unknown
Word count: 4,050
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Well, it’s a game of truth and dare gone… wrong or really right, in this case. Just smut, really. 
Link: 已失連。請寄信或留言向Yihbey要。
Note: Chris因為真心話大冒險喝醉酒,自己走到桌子上開始脫衣服...大推薦!這篇把Chris寫得超性感,絕對比米開朗基羅的大衛像性感上十萬倍!後面Chris和Darren的部分也很甜喔。

Title: Started with a Reel, Ended Up being Real
Author: Unknown
Word count: 2, 863
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Chris和Darren在Ellen的節目上宣佈情侶關係。
Link: 已失連。請寄信或留言向Yihbey要。
Note: 很可愛的一篇小品。:)



Title: Slow and Steady
Author: abrokentune
Word count: 11, 758
Rating: NC-17
Summary: "I had the biggest crush on you in high school." At a high school-reunion, Blaine gets reminded why he was head-over-heels in love with Kurt Hummel.
Link: http://abrokentune.livejournal.com/1024.html

Title: Syrup and Honey
Author: LauGS
Word count: 124, 555
Rating: NC-17
Summary: AU!Klaine. Kurt Hummel is 25 years old when he finds himself being the owner of the bakery he had been dreaming about his whole life, just in time to sweeten up Blaine Anderson's days.
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7868035/1/Syrup-and-Honey

Title: Everyday
Author: whatiknew
Word count: 67,000
Rating: NC-17 (starting in part 5; PG-13 parts 1-4)
Summary: A few days after their 2nd wedding anniversary, Kurt is in an accident and falls into a coma. Blaine struggles with the decision to let him go, and the night before they're set to pull the plug, Kurt wakes up.
Link: http://whatiknew.livejournal.com/2905.html

Title: Jitters
Author: whatiknew
Word count: 29, 600
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Blaine Anderson gets up at 5am every day to serve coffee with Santana Lopez. And that is the easiest part of his day. As he starts his sophomore year at NYU, Blaine tries to navigate his inevitable conquering of Tisch while figuring out how to talk to the beautiful boy who's started frequenting the coffee shop. There might be dragons involved.
Link: http://whatiknew.livejournal.com/4302.html
Note: 會想看這篇是因為當初有人在我這幅畫作底下推薦的:「*gggg* I just read "Jitters" by whatiknew, where Santana calls them Hobbit and Elf one or more times. So thanks for the drawing, it made my day^^」我想我跟這篇小說大概是有緣分吧,就列入清單了。:)

Title: Go Your Own Way
Author: Zavocado
Word count: 201, 105
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Kurt Hummel just wants to get through his Junior Year at McKinley in one piece. But when the new guy from Dalton Academy Reform School for Boys takes an alarming interest in him, he's certain he's going to be in for a wild ride. Badboy!Blaine, Klaine, AU
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7222219/1/Go-Your-Own-Way

Title: HotStickySweet
Author: britbojangles
Word count: 63,776
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Kurt is a stripper trying to make it to New York and Blaine is a pharmacist trying to get over his ex husband. The two meet when Santana hires Kurt to dance for Blaine's birthday. Kurt leaves such an impression that Blaine accidentally tells his ex that the dancer is his boyfriend. Will Kurt help Blaine save face or will he keep his eyes on his goal of getting to New York? COMPLETE
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8520708/1/HotStickySweet
Note: Nikki推薦的脫衣舞孃Kurt...立馬列入清單!XD

Title: Roses in December
Author: ckofshadows
Word count: 90,067
Rating: NC-17
Summary: In a cozy coffee shop in a small town, a boy with beautiful blue eyes sits at the same table every day, as if he's waiting for something, or someone. Blaine feels strangely compelled to sit down and talk with him… and discovers the unimaginable.
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7377845/1/Roses-in-December
Note: Nikki: "Seriously. The plot is FASCINATING. And the chapters actually aren't that long. Anyways, enjoy!"


Title: All you need is love
Author: abeatforyou
Word count: 19,533
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Chris & Darren are the best of friends. Chris & Darren are also secretly crazy about each other. This is the story of how their true feelings are revealed – all thanks to Darren's promotional tour in London, a 'mix-tape' and 10 emails. CrissColfer RPF
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7116150/1/All-you-need-is-love

Title: Various Shades of Grey
Author: Emm12
Word count: 282, 262 (嚇屎人的字數啊...O_O)
Summary: Darren has never believed that love is black or white. This is a fictional story about Darren’s journey to learning love truly comes in various shades of grey.  Hang on tight; it’s quite the ride.
Link: http://www.it-could-happen.net/viewstory.php?sid=464&warning=5

Title: Towel Off
Author: fictocriticism
Word count: 9, 800
Summary: A response to this fill on the GKM. Basically: Chris and Darren live together and Darren’s nudist post-shower habits are becoming a problem or 5 Times Chris sees naked-Darren after his shower and 1 time he actually does something about it.
Link: http://fictocriticism.livejournal.com/9221.html

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