
RP- CrissColfer- 'Any of Those Things'

Darren....有一首歌....你寫的一首叫《Any of Those Things》的歌...是關於...我和Will的嗎?

  1. Nikki(Chris):http://nikuke-08.deviantart.com/
  2. Pauline(Darren):http://nehemiahsaens.deviantart.com
大意:Chris知道Darren的新歌《Any of Those Things》是寫給他的。有一天晚上,當Chris和Darren在公寓裡看哈利波特的電影馬拉松時,Chris忍不住向Darren提起了這件事。

Chris: (緊張地)Darren,把電影暫停一下。我有些事情想要問你。

Darren: (按了遙控器)怎麼了?

Chris: (猶豫)我...(吞口水)我想要你老實回答我接下來要問的問題...你可以答應我嗎?

Darren: (微笑)當然囉,兄弟!樂意之至!

Chris: (更加沉默)......Darren....有一首歌....你寫的一首叫《Any of Those Things》的歌...是關於...我和Will的嗎?(接近私語)請老實告訴我,我真的很需要知道答案。

Darren: (本來想否定,但還是嘆了口氣,看進Chris的眼睛)好吧...是的...那首歌是關於你和Will的。

Chris: (聽起來有些受傷)我只是...我認為你根本沒有資格責備我啊。我的意思是....你才是那個向我提出分手的人,還記得嗎?

Darren: (也是聽起來有些受傷)我知道...這是我這輩子犯過的最大的錯誤之一,Chris。我們曾經擁有的...是多麼充滿了可能性--不僅很棒,簡直是讚爆了...然後我就為了一個向我提出無數次分手的女孩子,選擇放棄了這段關係。我知道這真的很荒謬。對不起。

Chris: (試著微笑來隱藏他的情感,聲音變得有些高亢,因為他越來越難受)好吧,沒問題了!我剛剛本來就不應該提起這件事的。

Darren: (看透了Chris隱藏情感的舉動)Chris...是我傷害了你,我真的很抱歉。如果這首歌讓你這麼難受的話,我也要向你說聲對不起...但是...我真的需要找個地方發洩這些情緒...我知道我是提出分手的那一個人,但...現在我知道這件事徹底是一個大錯誤。

Chris: Darren,我現在的男朋友是Will!

Darren: 我知道!所以我才不向你要求更多!我是真的為我們分手這件事感到很後悔。如果可以的話,我是很想改變這個事實...但前提是,我想要你開心...如果你和Will在一起很開心...那麼...(苦澀地微笑)那我就接受了。

Chris: (靠近Darren,手臂伸出來抱住Darren)噢,Dare...(咬著下唇,因為即使他喜歡Will,他仍愛著Darren)...(嘆氣)...說老實話,我...我現在還是愛著你...我雖然喜歡Will,但-但是...

Darren: 但那並不是我啊,就像Mia也不是你一樣。

Chris: ...是的...

Darren: ...我要為我的所作所為向你道歉...真的不是我體內的妙麗叫我這麼做的喔。

Chris: (哼了一聲)你現在還想來一段哈利波特的笑話?笨蛋!

Darren: 被抓到啦!

Chris: 噢--妙麗,你為什麼要這麼掃興?!

Darren: (笑)

Chris: (也跟著笑了,長長地嘆了一口氣)我們之間還是有機會的,Darren。也許總有一天,我們會再度變成一對...沒錯吧?

Darren: 非常同意。

Chris: Come What May,是嗎?

Darren: 所以這首歌對你來說也不只是演戲用的,是嗎?

Chris: Dare,我們講過這件事了。答案是肯定的。

Darren: 我愛你,Chris。

Chris: 我也愛你,Dare。(Chris靠近Darren,親了親他的臉頰)繼續看哈利波特吧!然後我們之後就可以討論哪部電影Tom Felton演起來最性感。

Darren: 好主意!!!


  1. Nikki(Chris):http://nikuke-08.deviantart.com/
  2. Pauline(Darren):http://nehemiahsaens.deviantart.com
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Chris knew that Darrens new original song Any of Those Things was written for him and he cant help but bring it up one night when they hang out together at Chriss apartment for a Harry Potter marathon.

CHRIS *nervously*: Darren, pause the movie for a sec. I need to ask you something.

DARREN: *uses the remote* Whats up?

CHRIS: hesitating* I..*swallows* I want you to be honest with me about this question Im going to ask youcan you do that for me?

DARREN: *smiling* Of course, man, anything for a friend!

CHRIS: *more silence*……Darren.that song.the one you wrote called Any Of Those Things’….was it about..me and Will? *whispering* Please tell me the truth. I really need to know.

DARREN: *about to deny it, but sighs in defeat after looking into Chriss eyes* Fine.yeahI-I wrote it about you and Will.

CHRIS: *sounding a little hurt* I just.I dont think you really have the right to be that bitter, I mean.youre the one who broke things off with ME, remember?

DARREN: *also sounding hurt* I knowand it was one of the biggest mistakes Ive ever made in my life, Chris. What we had was like.every possible level of epic and Totally Awesome imaginable..and I threw it all away for a girl whos broken up with me more times than I can count. It was dumb, I know. Im sorry.

CHRIS: *trying to hide the pain hes feeling behind a smile, his voice becoming slightly high-pitched because hes uncomfortable* Well, never mind! It was silly to bring it up in the first place!

DARREN: *who saw that Chris is trying to hide his pain* Chris...I'm sorry I hurted you. And I'm sorry if this song makes you feel incomfortable...But... I needed to find a way to express my feelings....And I know I'm the one who broke up, but...Now I know it was the biggest mistake in my life...

CHRIS: Darren, I'm with Will!

DARREN: I know! That's why I'm not asking you anything! I REALLY regret that we broke up, I'd totally change that if I could...but before all, I want you to be happy... And if you're happy with Will...Then...*smile a little painfully* Then it's okay for me...

CHRIS: *moved, wrap his arms around Darren to hug him* Oh Dare...*bite his low lip because even if he likes Will, he still in love with Darren*....*sigh*... If I want to be honest with you, I....I still have feelings for you...I-I like Will b-but....

DARREN: But that's not me, like Mia isn't freaking you at all 


DARREN: ... I'm sorry for what I did....It wasn't really Hermione of me to do that

CHRIS:*snort* Did you really do a Harry Potter joke? You dork!

DARREN: Guilty as charged!

CHRIS: Awww, Hermione, why you gotta be such a BUZZ kill?!

DARREN: *laughs*

CHRIS: *laughs as well and then trails off, sighing deeply* I won't give up on us, Darren. I think there's still a future for us as a couple...don't you?

DARREN: Definitely.

CHRIS: Come What May, right?

DARREN: So that song wasn't just acting for you, either, huh?

CHRIS: Dare, we've talked about this. No it wasn't.

DARREN: I love you, Chris.

CHRIS: I love you too, Dare. *Chris leans over and kisses Darren's cheek* Now, let's get back to Harry Potter so we can continue to discuss which movie Tom Felton is hottest in.

DARE: Sounds good to me!!!



這段錄音檔與RP的起由,是來自於Nikki在六月底時向我詢問是否有任何想要聽的錄音檔。我當時是回答我想聽Chris對於Darren為他寫《Once Upon A Time》的反應。後來Nikki說想找Pauline一起做這個錄音檔,因為Pauline比較會寫Darren的部分。在她們兩個人的討論之下,歌曲改成了《Any of Those Things》,我猜想是因為嫉妒的橋段比較符合目前的CrissColfer。

不得不說是受寵若驚啊啊啊啊啊!!!!沒想到會有兩個人為我的點文寫下劇本又做錄音檔!!!!而且一個是美國人,一個是法國人!!!我的人生圓滿了!!!原來像我這樣的小透明也有收到大禮的一天,真好!;_; 所以在我收到這份禮物的隔天,馬上畫了這張送給她們兩人。

關於這幅畫作,如果有在聽Vocaloid家歌曲的話,可以發現我是參考自下面這首歌《Just Be Friends》的影片。Chris和Darren在這篇文中的情境,讓我馬上聯想到了這對情侶在沙發上的距離感。

最後貼上《Any of Those Things》。還沒看歌詞的人,趕快去看!歌詞根本是Darren看待Chill的視角啊!


  1. 弱弱的問"midgame"正解是....????

    1. 就是交往途中,卻不會是廝守終生的兩人,跟endgame(意思近似於官配)相對!例如Kurt和Adam就是midgame,Klaine是endgame。這個詞不論用在連續劇,或是現實生活都可搭用。像是Finn曾在第十四集對Rachel說We're endgame.(我們最終會在一起的。)

      .......說到這句真的好痛啊。;_; 自從那件事之後,我現在是真的很希望看到Rachel在Glee裡面成功呢。

      PS: 看到你留好多言好開心!mickey回來了!:D 記得去收我寄給妳的信喔...用英文寫的,所以看不懂再跟我說((逃走


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